Let's address the elephant on the boat: that cringe-worthy moment when a vessel approaches the dock, and suddenly what should be a peaceful day on the water turns...
Why Solo Travel After a Breakup Is More Than Just 'Eat, Pray, Love'
Liveaboard sailing courses offer an immersive experience that's gaining popularity among sailing enthusiasts and adventure seekers alike. As 2024 unfolds, more and...
When sailing on the open sea, vision remains one of the biggest challenges due to the bright sun, blinding reflection on the water, strong winds, and saltwater...
Have you ever thought about what sailing a boat and leading a team have in common? As an entrepreneur or executive, navigating the waters of your industry can often...
Introduction: The Paradox of Productivity and Constant Connectivity
In today’s rapidly-evolving digital age, the line between work and play is becoming increasingly...
The wind was whipping wildly, the waves rolled tumultuously, and the yacht threatened to pitch with each surge. Amidst this chaos stood Jack, a high-performing...
In a world where the executive suite is often populated predominantly by men, female leadership is not just about claiming the corner office. It's about...
The Genesis of Your Sailing Journey
"Why sailing?" you may ask. Why not snorkeling, or climbing, or simply lounging on some beach somewhere with a cocktail in hand?...
The Genesis of Two Designs
In the world of sailing, the debate between monohulls and catamarans is a tale as old as time. The history of these two iconic designs...