Topic: leadership

Breaking the Glass Ceiling on a Sailboat: Empowering Female Leadership Through Adventure

by James Kell / IN women, corporate, professional development, leadership, adventure, Mindfulness / June 04, 2023

In a world where the executive suite is often populated predominantly by men, female leadership is not just about claiming the corner office. It's about...

Overcoming the Fear of Failure: Lessons Learned on a Sailing Retreat

by James Kell / IN leadership, Failure / May 15, 2023

Often, the greatest obstacle to success isn't a lack of skill or resources, but the pervasive fear of failure that lurks in the shadows of our minds. It can...

From Skipper to Sensei: How a Sailing Instructor Course Can Catapult Your Career

by Cam Creigh / IN leadership, Instructor Course / May 10, 2023

We've all heard the age-old saying, "A smooth sea never made a skilled sailor." But what if I told you there's a way to take your sailing skills from good to...

The Impact of Mindfulness on Decision-Making during a Sailing Adventure

by James Kell / IN corporate, leadership, Mindfulness / May 07, 2023

And how this translates back to improving your personal and worklife

Can Adventure Travel Make You a Better Leader? The Science Behind Experiential Learning

by James Kell / IN lead, leadership, adventure / May 05, 2023

Unlocking Leadership Potential

Picture this: Sir Richard Branson, the billionaire entrepreneur and founder of the Virgin Group, finds himself dangling from a hot...


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