July 07, 2022 by Matt Koch

Learn to Sail - 4 Tips to Prepare

You’ve secured your spot on the boat, you’ve booked your plane ticket, and scheduled your COVID test… You are ready to sail! Before you depart, we have a few recommendations to ensure your adventure is great.

1. Read Your Books Before You Get To The Boat.

If you are pursuing ASA sailing certifications while you are with us, you should be prepared to take one or more tests during your trip.

Prior to departing your home base, we will send you all the required reading materials to the address you specified when registering.

The reading guides you through the progression of sailing with easy-to-understand graphics and best practices to ensure safety and enjoyment while sailing. We recommend that you have this information preloaded prior to your arrival so that once you are with your captain, they can help to fill any gaps and answer any questions you might have.   

The tests cover sailing basics, including sailing terms and all the necessary how-to’s. With the proper preparation, your tests should be a breeze!

Set aside time in advance to read so that you can maximize your experience on the boat. After all, the last thing you’ll want to be doing when you are in paradise is to be reading a textbook!

Three people studying in a groupStudying in a group helps to be consistent


2. Test Yourself

The study guides and chapter reviews in the ASA textbook are quite helpful, but they are not all-encompassing. While not all boats are the same, if you have done well when testing yourself in advance, getting acquainted with the boat will go much smoother and you will not feel stressed when testing for your certifications. 

A Monohull and Catamaran in blue waters

Not every boat is the same, test yourself to be prepared


3. Watch Some Sailing Videos

Just like in school, every person will learn and retain information differently, and often, visuals are quite helpful when learning new skills. So, we encourage you to explore some sailing videos online. Sailing Virgins has a YouTube channel (which is naturally the best channel for sailing tips on the internet), and there are many other helpful and informative videos out there... 

Video teaching teaching how to anchor

Check out the Sailing Virgins Youtube Channel to learn how to sail


4. Get Ready Physically

Sailing is a physically demanding activity, so we encourage you to engage in a normal exercise routine prior to sailing with us. Try an exercise or yoga class on your phone or establish a running habit; every little bit will help! We believe in a healthy balance of mind and body and we will encourage you to join us in daily workouts, breathing exercises, and meditation. All of which may heighten your senses and will vastly improve your experience in paradise! And remember, you will have opportunities to swim, snorkel and explore our different ports along the way, plus you might feel the urge to take your shirt off along the way baby! Don’t forget to pack your sunscreen.

Fit man on a sailboat

Getting is a great  start to learn how to sail


Sailing Virgins runs beginner to advanced courses throughout the year and whether you want to work as a skipper or bareboat charter your next vacation, we are here to help you to make the most of your time with us!  Want to learn to sail your own yacht? Email us!



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