Carn Rigger

Carn started sailing at about the same time he started writing. He loves both.

Recent Posts

Ultimate Sailing Guide - Austin

by Carn Rigger / IN sailing guide, texas, austin / May 06, 2020

Welcome to our first in the Ultimate Guide to Sailing series.

5 Spectacular Things You'll See on Night Watch

by Carn Rigger / / November 19, 2018

Night watch can be your next favorite posting

After a solid day of sailing, it can be a great feeling to watch the sun as it sets, whilst grilling some fresh fish...

10 Great Sailing Adventures for You and Your Mates

by Carn Rigger / IN island adventure / November 05, 2018

Sailing can be addictive. Once you’ve got the taste for adventure and the feel of the wind in your hair, nothing quite compares. The compelling part about sailing...

Interview - Giuliano D'Angelo, Sailor & Artist

by Carn Rigger / IN Interview / August 13, 2016

This week we interview Giuliano D'Angelo, sailor, designer and the creator of  "All The Sailing On A Single Map" poster.  Q&A is under the image.