Best Sailing Schools in the BVI - How To Choose

by James Kell / IN sailing / November 29, 2016

Best Sailing Schools in the BVI - 6 Tips to Help You Choose

Looking to become a skipper? If so you need to find yourself a great school. This post specifically...

2 Fastest Ways To Tie A Bowline

by James Kell / IN how to / November 16, 2016

Optimise Your Bowline Knot Technique

You may already know how to tie a bowline. Yet unless you’re a member of the special forces or a salty old sailor, chances are...

How does a Hostess become a Skipper?

by James Kell / IN how to / November 13, 2016

Hostess to Skipper Learning Pathway

Glad to hear you're interested in becoming a skipper! As you may have seen in our recent Facebook post, this objective can be...

The 5 Most Charming Places In The Caribbean

by James Kell / IN sailing, places / November 10, 2016

The Sailing Virgins Caribbean Charm List

"Where are the most charming spots in the Caribbean?"

Sailing for many of us is about exploring cool places. While sailing...

Notes from a Caribbean Sailing Adventure

by James Kell / IN sailing / November 03, 2016
October 2015

“What is a Caribbean Sailing Adventure like?”

Some people dream of sailing between the myriad islands of the Caribbean. They dream of harnessing...

6 Visa Tips for South African Sailors

by Clinton van der Linden / IN how to / October 06, 2016

...with some extra help for the Caribbean

I’m proud to be South African. Yet our passport presents some special challenges. For example, while my Aussie and Kiwi...

Interview with Fastseas' Creator Jeremy Waters

by James Kell / IN Interview / October 04, 2016

A brilliant new route-planning tool

A month or so ago we came across a route planning tool that was so simple, and so free, that we couldn't contain ourselves....

Best Ways To Get To The BVI

by James Kell / IN how to / September 24, 2016

Planning a vacation in the British Virgin Islands? This post discusses some tips and tricks to making the journey from wherever you are to the British Virgin...

Best Time To Visit The British Virgin Islands

by James Kell / IN opinions / September 23, 2016

When is the best time of year for a BVI vacation?

Are you planning your Caribbean vacation and would like to visit the BVI? Want to know the best time to sail? It...

It's started people

by James Kell / IN Uncategorized / September 22, 2016


Sailing Virgins is go. Started. It's like being at the start of a race with two other people. I think it's two. Could be just one and a heat-inspired...