September 05, 2018 by James Kell

Learning to sail? Watch these 4 videos

Here at Sailing Virgins, we combine world-class sailing instruction with adventure and a party or two. We find our style resonates with young professionals in their 20s and 30s, and provides a nice departure from the 'old boys club' that sailing is normally associated with. 

Check out these four videos below to learn some useful skills like setting the sails, tacking, anchoring, and selecting your crew. You'll also get a glimpse of the Sailing Virgins laid-back style, examples of some common adventures we take up, and the beautiful waters of the Caribbean (our home base):

1. How to Anchor Your Yacht

Whether you sail a yacht or use a power boat, being able to anchor securely is a fundamental skill. We break it down into ten key steps:

1. Find a quiet spot
2. Find a great bottom
3. Communicate quietly
4. Drop smoothly
5. Drop plenty of chain
6. Test well
7. Use a snubber/bridle
8. When to use a Kedge / Secondary Anchor
9. Reduce Anchor Drag & Swing
10. Motor Forward to Lift Anchor

2. How to Tack

Tacking is one of the fundamentals of sailing. Shot in Beautiful Le Marin, in the French West Indies, this episode covers tacking a yacht, breaking it down for people who have never sailed before, or who just need to brush up on the basics.

3. How to Pickup a Mooring Ball

Picking up a mooring ball and securing it effectively to your boat is a technique that is performed correctly by only around half the boats we see. If it is not done correctly, your line can chafe through, leaving you adrift when you least expect it. Nobody wants that. So listen up and we will share you our tried and tested method.

4. The 6 Need to Know Knots for Sailing

Great sailing knots are a staple for skippers around the world. In this episode we cover not just the six great sailing knots, but a couple of different methods of tying them.

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About Sailing Virgins

Sailing Virgins is the world's leading adventure sailing academy for people in their 20s and 30s. If you want to up your sailing game, get in touch with us via email or secure a spot on one of our courses by visiting us online.

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