April 28, 2021 by Matt Koch

Finding a reason for a sailing adventure

There was nowhere to go but everywhere, so just keep on rolling under the stars… 
-Jack Kerouac

Matt shares his experience...

You were hardly conditioned for this 'new normal' we find ourselves in. It is in our nature to explore our surroundings and to sample the world; but now more than ever, many of us are in routines that we can’t find our way out of. Your friends are further away and ‘normal' is harder to touch, so now what?

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You’ve watched the YouTube channels and looked at all the cruising websites. Maybe you’ve even browsed boats, but you stop yourself; you see a path but it seems blocked.

What kind of a sign would it take for you to shift your mindset and change your perspective? 

What if the sign *is* the pandemic?

Over the past year we’ve all taken a moment to ask ourselves in the absence of normal, what do we miss the most?

Today is the day to stop living to work. It’s time to pull up the proverbial anchor and set forth toward calm waters with only the wind and the tides to determine your destination.

You can read the book and watch the videos, but nothing will really prepare you for that rush the first time you hear ‘jibe-ho!’; as you dump the working sheet and hear the crack of the canvas as the jib whips across the bow, followed shortly by the ratchet of the winch as you trim the sail with your sight steadfast on the telltales.

Let's go sailing


Learn More
Sailing Virgins is currently operating in the Virgin Islands, and will be running catamaran courses in Tahiti in June and a performance course in France in June/July. Email us for more info.

Contributor Matt Koch is from Vail, Colorado, and sailed with Sailing Virgins in December 2020. 


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